The incredible thing is seeing individuals using the BCPLUS platform to share their experiences and make the most of the talents and gifts they have discovered about themselves. In addition, they are using the fantastic experience of being live to share their passion for free and charging fees to the audience worldwide—it is an inclusive platform where multiple languages and cultures are shared amongst individuals regardless of their religion and citizenship.
BC PLUS News acknowledges the joy of human beings finding out their purpose in life: empowering their community, family, friends, and fans. Some of our users are 16+ years old, and some are much older. We want everyone to feel free and welcome to express their views without hurting others' feelings. So, we have a zero-tolerance abuse policy on our platforms.
This is a community of events and social experiences. In this case, it means everyone's views and voices are valued. We are committed to treating everyone's beliefs and way of seeing the world safe.
There is a review area on each user profile where anyone with a wonderful experience during a live show can add a review. The review will rate the professionalism of the performer. In addition, this rating will be part of the performance, which the performer can use to improve their personal development skill and future performance..
BCPLUS does not allow live events that will endanger the emotion and well-being of minors.
Our understanding of minors is anyone under the legal age of 18. therefore, if anyone watching a live event notices anything that will endanger a minor, please report the video immediately to our team.
Please click on the link inbox chat to admin to report dangerous video content against our community guidelines. If you also notice the video on another attendee's profile, please report it on the following link: chat to admin.
Here is the best explanation of our policy to our community:
Do not stream video contents on BCPLUS that may be harmful to minors that do not fit on the guideline highlighted below.
Live streaming videos that contain sexual exploitation should not be displayed on BCPLUSNEWS. Instead, such exploitation and user's profile should be reported to / inbox chat for our admin team to review and report to, which is a global law enforcement agency which handles child exploitation globally.
Pornography and sexual gratification such as video, text, audio and images should not be streamed on the BCPLUS News Platform. Such content will be a violation and will be removed. The user's channel with such content will be notified, and appropriate actions will be taken. Users should report nudity and sexual content to: chat to admin.
The exploitation of humans in live streaming in the form of video or pictures should not be on the BCPLUSNEWS platform. Our understanding of human exploitation includes forcing someone to engage in commercial sex, labour, or other activities against their will.
Do not post the following items on BCPLUS News:
We take these lists very seriously. Therefore, users must not post or stream this content on the BCPLUSNEWS Platform. These items will be categorised as a crime against a person or a government body. Users found streaming or posting on BCPLUS News will be notified, and their accounts will be blocked or terminated as a result.
Data is classified as “personal data” when an individual can be identified directly or indirectly, using online identifiers such as their name, identification number, IP address, or location data. Personal Identifiers include the following:
All these items listed above should not be displayed on the BCPLUS News platform; if users display such personal identifiers, it could result in severe consequences such as identity theft and fraud into a personal financial account. In addition, users should be aware that stolen data help cyber criminals to hack into accounts and gain personal accounts.
Below are some examples of how users can protect themselves. Please read carefully and protect yourself and your devices.
User disclosure - you should not disclose your password to anyone. Do not message or email anyone your password.
Social engineering – a careless phone call with hackers/scammers pretending to be a bank to request your account password.
Phishing – a sent email or message requesting a user to disclose their password. It will most likely be an email containing a link for the user to click. Do not click on the link if you are not sure.
Keylogging - can be software put in your computer to send information to anyone or computer about your day-to-day use of a computer. Visiting unknown websites can download software to have access to your password. Logging Into a private account can give away your password because the private account can have keylogging software.
Wireless sniffing – can happen when you are in a coffee shop using the coffee Wi-Fi code. This seating gives opportunities to Some hackers who will pick up your signals to hack your account. The only way to protect yourself from wireless sniffing is to understand how wireless networks work, the cyber criminal's attack, and spot the weakness within the wireless connection.
Brute Force Guessing – the hackers are trying to guess every password. They use their computer to guess the password for your account.
1)computer guess password a = nope 2) computer guess password b = nope 3) computer guess password c=yes, indeed! Welcome to the computer, legitimate user!
A short password is easier to guess than a long password. Every character you add to your password makes your password challenging to get. For example – boris88 is easy to guess, but B8-@yes-1344(0) is hard to guess. Capital letters, symbols and Numbers make it challenging to guess.
The website will also protect you from brute force guessing attacks by asking you to complete an automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart. The name of the Turing test can be CAPTCHA. It will present a symbol on the screen, making it hard for a computer to read. But easy for humans.
Dictionary Attacks – include a long list of passwords that hackers keep. But with the help of the computer, the cybercriminal can scan the list. Dictionary attacks are more common than Brute force Guessing. It may be like this example 1) Password = password nope, 2) password = 1222334 nope, 3) password = asjjkkl nope, 4) password = letmein, yes indeed!
Please see below description lists of not to stream on your BCPLUS profile.
Discrimination to insult another race or nation would violate our profile guidelines.
Images that show nakedness or private parts as profile pictures would violate our profile picture guidelines.
A streaming video designated for teaching purposes that shows nudity or sexual photography and body parts or private human parts would violate our community guidelines. Yes, it is for teaching; we know but do not display it in your teaching. It will violate our profile guidelines.
Documentary streaming that will show shocking videos of rape, killing, and war crimes does not fit in our profile guidelines. It is for documentary, yes; we know, but your profile is an open source that will inspire another individual, do not stream videos that will shock your audience.
If you mistakenly stream a video on your profile playlists, do yourself a favour to remove it before it gets a report that will affect your hard work. No video of physical abusing, sexually abusing, or emotionally mistreatment of minors on a live stream.
What happens if profile or contents violates policy
Suppose your profile content violated our rule and policy. We will remove and possibly block the channel depending on the violation. We will contact the relevant authority, and a decision will be acquired. If you have violated the first time, you may get a video taken down and given a warning notice. We will only delete your profile if repeated violations occur.
What is a music licence?
Wikipedia explanation
Music licensing is the licensed use of copyright music. Music licensing is intended to ensure that the owner of copyrights on musical work. A Purchaser has limited rights to use the work without a separate agreement.
The licence has 3 parts
The media (TV, Radio, and Internet)
Term (how long the person will be able to use the song or the beat.)
Territory (national or international one)
BC+News About us
“BC +News is part of an increasingly successful social media and streaming platform. Provide solutions for what the planet lacks in all its aspects. Realignment of balance between talented and passionate people can generate win-win relations for all involved. “
We will use the following methods
BC+News will Put 2 agreements at the signing up
Box to tick to confirm by the users
I confirm that I will use 100% of my talents
This category will perform its show, and our system will detect the show is 100% the user creation.
I confirm that I will not use 100% of my products
Doesn’t matter what option you tick 1st & 2nd options
The system must generate the following notification to their email by PDF format.
USA Licensing Explained
ASCAP stands for American Society of Composers Authors, and Publishers BMI Stands for Broadcast Music Inc.
SESAC Stand for Society of Society of European Stage Authors and composers
SoundExchange independent non-profits organisation collecting and distributing royalties from Digital performance.
UK licensing Explained
PPL Stands for phonographic Limited they represent the interests of record labels and collect from a radio station on their behalf.
PRS stands for performing right society and collecting royalties on behalf of artists, composers, and cover music that is played on TV, Radio, and online.
More licensing Bodies
Australia – PPCA Iceland -SFH Romania – CREDIDAM Canada – SOCAN
Austria – LSG Belgium – PLAYRIGHT Brazil – ABRAMUS Croatia – HUZIP
Czech Republic – Instagram Denmark – FILMES / GRAMEX Finland – ARAMEX
Estonia -EEL France – Sacem Germany – GEMA/ GVL Greece -GVL
Hungary - EJI
Ireland – RAAP Italy -NUOVOIMAIE Japan – CPRA / GEIDANKYO Korea – FKMP
Latvia -LAIPA Lithuania -AGATA MEXICO – ANDI Netherlands -BUMA / STEMRA
New Zealand -ONEMUSIC Nigeria – NBC Norway- GRAMO Poland – START
Portugal- GDA Romania – CREDIDAM Russia – ROSVOIS Serbia - PL
Slovakia -SLOVGRAM Slovenia – AIPA/ IPF South Africa – ICASA Spain AISGE